Nile University Examinations System

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Nile University Examinations System

Nile University Examinations System – Check Below:

The examination systems at NC depends on passing the end of semester examinations. Each year has two semester with a mid semester examination which counts to about 20% of continuous assessment towards the end of semester exams. Each program specifies their exams and percentage of marks allocated for continuous assessment & end of semester exams. Continuous assessment also includes class records, assignments & seminars. Supplementary exams are held at the end of the academic year. (see examination regulations link) Read more.
Written examinations consist of papers from 1-4 hours duration according to the credits of each course. The questions consist of MCQs with one best answer which usually receives about 50% of the marks, short structured answers (SSA), Constructed Response Question (CRQ) which requires recall and processing of specific information. The third type of question is Extended Matching Question (EMQs) or. This type of questions test the ability to interpret information, reasoning and problem solving. EMQs are a form of matching questions where several options are given & the student is asked to match the best option to a scenario containing data or information on a clinical case or a problem.
Exams also include practical examinations in the basic medical sciences which may take the form of Objective Structure Practical Examinations (OSPE). These consist of a number of spots to identify or explain stations based on the practical courses. The OSPE may take the form of “spots” stations or a multimedia projection for a group of candidates on the cases or station contents and students are expected to write their answers on an answer sheet.
The clinical examinations consist of an (OSCE) or Objective Structured Clinical examination with 8 to 12 stations. Each clinical discipline (eg. Surgery, medicine, etc) will select content consisting of commutation skills (also looking for attitudes) history taking, clinical examination and assessment of interpretation of findings and management plans. Usually mock examinations are held to give the students the experience of going through this type of exam.
The examination system adopted by NC is designed to assess all domains of learning & professionalism with high validity & reliability. It is also subject to revision & updating according to developments adopted by foreign international postgraduate examination bodies such the PLAB, USMLE etc.
Best of luck with your exams.

Prof. M. Y. Sukkar MB BS. Ph D.

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