Mettu University Management Department

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Mettu University Management Department

Mettu University Management Department – Check Below:

 Background of the Department

Management is a crucial element in economic growth of a country. It brings together the factors of production: money, machinery, men, methods, markets and material to enable the country to experience economic development. A county with enough capital, manpower and other natural resources can still be poor if it does not have competent managers to combine and coordinate the resources. In the words of Drucker “without management country’s resources of production remain resources and never become products”. Management is important for learners because of many reasons. Of which these are some:

The department of Management is one of the second established departments in Mettu University under Faculty of Business and Economics in 2005 E.C. It has started work by taking 42 students. In 2007 E.C. this department offering 1st, 2nd and 3rd year regular program students which are 106 in number, and 3rd  year  1st semester  and 3rd year 2nd  semester  weekend program students which are 43 in numbers. The department has been performing teaching-learning process by using the newly launched modularized curriculum. The degree awarded is Bachelor of Arts Degree (B.A.) in Management with three year duration. The department has qualified teaching staff. Graduate students will be awarded the “Bachelor of Arts Degree in Management” if they fulfill the following requirements:

Ø  A minimum credit hour of 109/180 EtCTS

Ø  A minimum Cumulative Grade point Average of 2.00

Ø  No Fx, F, NG, I, in any course and

Ø  Compliance with the regulation of the University 

2.2.      Facility

The libraries’ facility is less than desirable in terms of space, books, and computing and printing facilities. The success of this department highly depends on sufficient provision of the service of the library. Therefore, the library facility needs to fit the department demand. Other facilities like computer, information technology facilities, office facilities, printer, internet, etc., are required to implement harmonized curriculum. But the department faces shortage of such important facilities.

2.3.      External link

Starting from its establishment this department has positive linkage with external stakeholders such as Government agencies, small and medium enterprise, society of Ilu Aba Bora, etc. through research and community service. In addition to this the department established a link with local universities.


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